Mushrooms In The Yard: A Danger You might Not Have Thought Of
Although there are several environment-related factors that can compromise the health of your pets and children, wild mushrooms can be particularly problematic. This is the case because many wild mushrooms are poisonous and can cause your child and/or pet to have a serious, adverse bodily reaction. By learning more about the presence of wild mushrooms in your yard, you can protect your kids and treasured pets from poisoning.
Lawn Mushrooms-The Basics
As many food experts know, mushrooms are fruiting bodies. They are produced by a variety of fungi types during time periods when spores can germinate, such as rainy seasons. These mushrooms can grow in your yard and some are toxic while others are not. Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to tell the difference between mushrooms that are poisonous and those that are not unless you are an expert. Since this is the case, it is important that you remove any mushrooms you find in your yard to decrease the likelihood that your child or pet is poisoned.
Symptoms of Poisoning
Although you may do your best to prevent your pet or child from mushroom poisoning, you may find that they become intoxicated despite your efforts to preclude them from exposure to the dangerous vegetable. In order to determine whether mushroom poisoning has transpired, you should gain a basic knowledge of some symptoms you can expect to see. The most common symptoms include vomiting, milder symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort, and diarrhea. These symptoms transpire when your pet or child has had a minor exposure. However, if the mushrooms to which your children and pets are exposed to were highly toxic, you can expect to see symptoms like agitation, excessive salivation, hallucination, and/or death resulting from liver failure. In dogs, the early symptoms of liver failure will be yellow gums.
Poisoning Treatment
In the event that your child has been poisoned by mushrooms, your first step is to call his or her health care provider and/or the hospital emergency room. Be sure to collect samples of the mushroom your child ate before leaving for the hospital. Once you reach the ER, give the mushrooms to the appropriate official. Once your child’s health care provider has inspected him or her, determinations can be made regarding the nature and extent of the poisoning process so treatment can be administered.
If you believe that your dog has been subjected to mushroom poisoning, you should call a veterinarian immediately. Before you take your pet to the vet office, be sure that you collect samples of the mushrooms that your dog ate. Doing so can provide the vet with important information regarding what type of poisoning has transpired. To prevent your pet from further illness, the vet can have him or her drink milk or water mixed with a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide for each 15 pounds of weight. This mixture will induce vomiting, and any mushroom that the pet regurgitates should be collected so the veterinarian can gain knowledge regarding the source of the problem.
As made plain by the information listed above, the presence of wild mushrooms in your yard can be problematic for your child and/or pet. To decrease the likelihood of poisoning, take time to remove any mushrooms that you see from your yard. In so doing, you can protect your pets and kids from illnesses and ensure that they enjoy the outdoors without becoming susceptible to poisoning.
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